Coming Out of Lockdown

Photo of friends laughing in the sunshine
Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

2 min Read

I can't believe it's legal to hug people again. I can't believe that it was ever illegal in the first place- as in, none of us could have imagined the past year or so. It's like something out of a low budget sci-fi film.

As a collective we've been forced to live differently, from the way we work, to how we spend our free time, to the things we now value.  And so, as we come out of lockdown it’s easy to rush back into the way things were. But whether you preferred the quietness and pace of lockdown life, or whether you hated every moment, it’s important to check in on these 3 things


Photo by Amy Shamblen on Unsplash

Maybe you like the fact that for the first time in years you started exercising outdoors.

 Or video-called friends who you struggle to meet anyway because of work/ distance.

Maybe you started a new hobby, had more time for reading. Spent more time with family. Or your values changed.

Whatever it is, what do you want to keep?


Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

As with everything, we can end up building habits that are no longer serving us.

Maybe your screen time blew up or you worried excessively, or you spent days binging series.

Honestly, there is nothing wrong with watching TV etc (I don’t know why it gets such a bad rep) but while they might have been the things that helped you get through lockdown, it’s important to recognise that they might not be the things you want to carry forward.

Ask yourself, what do you want to ditch or spend less time doing?


Photo by Alexey Lin on Unsplash

For the first time ever, the way we live life flipped on us.

We couldn’t meet friends or family or go out for food and drink. No spontaneous trips to the cinema.

But through being barred from doing these things, you’ll start to realise what you want out of life.

Maybe you want to spend more time visiting friends or go swimming. Or there’s something new you want to experience.

E.g. For some weird reason I really want to go to the theatre even though I haven’t been in years.  And I’ve been thinking about all the activities that I said I was too busy for, when really I didn’t prioritise them. Why not go to that random salsa dancing event? Or join an ice hockey team?

 We've always acted as though we can do things 'another time' or 'tomorrow' but the future is uncertain. You never know if something will still be there for you later and so it's time we take each experience and opportunity as it comes.

Ask yourself: What are the things you missed the most in lockdown? And what are the things you most want to experience?


I hope this helps you to consciously live a more fulfilling life.

If you found it helpful, share it with someone else who could benefit (through instagram or by clicking the Facebook or Whatsapp icon below ⤵️)





