There's Water in the Cup

A glass half full of water
Photo by Manki Kim Photo by Manki Kim on Unsplash

"Remember, every year 2 million people die of dehydration, so it doesn't matter if the glass is half full or half empty, there's water in the cup, drink that shit and stop complaining"

Rudy Francisco- "Complainers" (NPS, 2014)

This is one of my favourite spoken word poems, and possibly one of my favourite quotes. 

Basically, the poem talks about how we often find things to complain about in our lives, that morning alarm, traffic, the weather, our boss, our job even our free time. All the things we have or haven't done.

Often we become so caught up, in trying to judge whether something is good or bad,  that we forget to take things as they are and make the most of it. 

You've heard the phrase a million times, "half-full vs half-empty", as if it can only be one or the other, when in fact they both have water, so there's something to be grateful for either way.

👉It isn't meant to invalidate our feelings, but to suggest that instead of focusing on what's missing, to use what we have with where we are.

Maybe the traffic meant you could listen to your favourite song, or the cold meant you could wear that jumper you love, or lockdown meant you spent time out connecting with unexpected friends. In every negative experience there is still a green light.

You can't complain and express gratitude at the same time, so the next time you find yourself on the verge of complaining, ask yourself, what can I be grateful for in this moment?

👉And finally, I leave you with this: 

"Muscle is created by repeatedly lifting things that have been designed to weigh us down. So when your shoulders feel heavy, stand up straight and lift your chin – call it exercise. When the world crumbles around you, you have to look at the wreckage and then build a new one out of the pieces that are still here.

Remember, you are still here.

The human heart beats approximately four thousand times per hour.

Each pulse, each throb, each palpitation is a trophy engraved with the words “You are still alive”.

You are still alive.

Act like it."

- Rudy Francisco- "Complainers" (NPS, 2014)

