Farmers and Validation

Photo of a farmers field with plants growing, with hills in the background and a bright blue sky
Photo by Adele Payman on Unsplash

(1 min reading time)

I don't know who else used to do this, but when I was younger, I used to take career quizzes for fun (I know, it's weird). I was stressed and thought there would be a big blaring sign telling me what I was meant to do with my future. 

And then I'd always be bummed when it told me to be a 'farmer' 'gardener' 'theatre actor' 'anaesthetist'. Honestly, make it stop. 

I'd retake the test and change my answers over and over again until it pissed me off

If I'd actually been paying attention, I would have realised that the answer was in front of me all along.

Deep down, I was annoyed that the word 'Writer', 'Charity Worker' or 'Psychologist' didn't come up on there. The reason I kept re-taking the test was to see those words.

So what's the point I'm trying to make?

👉Sometimes, we keep looking for answers or validation outside of ourselves. Like if some Buzzfeed quiz says that's what you're going to do, it seems okay to do now. It's okay to venture there. Sometimes we look to our parents/partners/friends to give us approval, or for someone to tell you that you're on the right track and to keep going. That what you're doing is worth your time. 

👉But here's the thing- sometimes you need to be your own cheerleader. You need to listen to your gut (which might only be whispering to you) and make sure it's not drowned out by the rest of the voices.

❗think about it, other people will give you an answer that makes sense to them, not necessarily the one that makes sense to you

👉Take it from me, someone who quit their job in the middle of a pandemic (lol), you need to do what feel's right to you, and realise that so long as you're okay with it, then that's enough. After all, you know yourself best!

Honestly, I don't know why I turn into Ghandi with these posts, but I hope something resonates with you lol

Drop a like if you enjoyed it and let me know your thoughts in the comments on instagram 

Loooots of love from your local farmer, Nadine xxx 👩‍🌾🚜

